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Fact #138954


Short story:

Soho re-release their former flop Hippychick in the UK, where it will peak at No8 in the singles chart.

Full article:

Tim London (Soho) : Hippychick was a one chord psych-blues, before we added the Bo Diddley/Stones/Smiths riff.  We used to play the riff from the sampler at gigs in order to wind up the soppy Smiths’ fans, some of whom hated us for using drum machines and for being a 'soul' band.  This was back in the day when all black performers were either soul singers or rappers, according to many journalists and record company types.

Jacqui Cuff : Hippychick is about a woman who’s been on a demo, and the policeman charging her turns out to be her ex-boyfriend, who tries to entice her into dropping charges.

Pauline Cuff : In the US, people are so dim, they think it’s about hippies.