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Fact #138312


Short story:

Janet Jackson releases a new single, Black Cat, on A+M Records in the USA. It will reach No1 in the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart in the USA.

Full article:

Janet Jackson : I was getting dressed and ready to go to the studio. The television was on - some commercials and other stuff. I just started humming a melody. I don't know why and it kept sticking in my head. So I put it down on tape." She later recalled Jam & Lewis saying "they thought it was something that might work.

We were finished with the entire album and I came up with a guitar riff, and ran up to Jimmy and Terry (producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis) and told them, 'Hey, we should do this.' They said, 'We have a deadline so we couldn't possibly go onto another song.' I told them, it's ok, I'll do it, just throw me in a studio and I'll put everything together... I wrote the riff and the lyrics, and actually the whole thing.
(Source : wikipedia)