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Fact #137573


Short story:

The Duke Lee Sound play at El Partido, Lewisham, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

George Austin (El Partido regular) : The Club was on two floors, it had a small stage and very low ceilings just the place for live acts. Usually with two sound systems, one on each floor. Upstairs Duke Reid played with his home made sound system tucked away in a small corner, it was a large box, stood about chest height, which housed the amp with a single record deck on top. It had a selection of small lights on the front. The sound was turned down at the end of each record as it was removed and replaced with another disc, a large record box stocked with the latest sounds stood by the side, it's lid open displaying the contents. Speakers stacked up to the ceiling in each open room, pumping out the sound, using about 200 watts. The smell of hash in the air, people dancing everywhere.
(Source : http://transpont.blogspot.co.uk/2008/12/mods-in-south-london.html)