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Fact #136686


Short story:

The Small Faces first hit, Whatcha Gonna Do About It enters the UK pop singles chart. It will peak at No14 and will stay on the chart for a total of fourteen weeks.

Full article:

Don Arden (manager, Small Faces) : The secret of their success and mine, was a sleazy trick of the trade called hyping. Dead easy if you're in the know and not over-fussy about your methods. I just paid thousands of pounds to fix some of the hit charts supposedly compiled from the sales returns of record shops. I knew that, for certain sums, any record I was associated with could be elevated to the charts.

It got to be a habit. I paid out anything from £150 to £500 a week to people who manipulated the charts and who, in turn, shared the cash with people organising other charts so as to ensure they tallied … Of course, The Small Faces had no idea what went on.
(Source : not known)