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Fact #135636


Short story:

Shock Treatment, The Verdicts and The Prefects play at Rebecca's, Birmingham, England, UK. Shock Treatment's guitarist is John Taylor, later of Duran Duran.

Full article:

Dave Twist (vocalist, Shock Treatment) : My first band - Shock Treatment - played their debut gig at Rebecca's club in Birmingham in late '77. We couldn't play a note. The guitarist (John Taylor - later of Duran Duran) simply made a bar across all the strings with with his left hand and strummed till he, literally, bled. Gareth, our bass player, stood with his back to the crowd, Stu Sutcliffe style, to hide his lack of ability. My lack of ability as a rather camp seventeen year old Johnny Rotten wannabe was all too apparent. We left the stage to stunned silence.
(Source : interview in, Sleazegrinder Magazine)