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Fact #135159


Short story:

Chappo release a new LP, Future Former Self, on Votiv Records in the USA.

Full article:

Future Former Self
Caroline International
Review by Johnny Black for HiFi News 2016
At first listen, I thought this was a rather fey, not very well recorded, wishy-washy baroque-pop mess, but something about its sheer, hard to define, oddness made me give it another spin. And another. Now, I’m rating it as one of the most interesting contemporary psychedelic releases I’ve heard in ages. Chappo is a Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter and guitarist who, with Seattle-born keyboardist Chris Olson, forms the backbone of the band. This imaginative duo throw everything and the kitchen sink into every free-wheeling, ethereally unhinged track, utilising funky guitars, spacey electronics, digital effects and soaring vocal melodies to achieve soundscapes that are absolutely their own. Weird, but take a chance.