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Fact #134730


Short story:

Laura Veirs releases a new album, Year Of Meteors, on Nonesuch Records in the UK.

Full article:

The estimable Ms Veirs established herself firmly in my consciousness with last year’s wonderful Carbon Glacier and, if the shock of the new has worn off a little with this one, Year Of Meteors is still a stimulating and stirring piece of work. Some of the eccentric charm of that previous album seems to have been smoothed out and some of this feels much more like a band album than a songwriter album, but Veirs remains a classy wordsmith and a confident tunesmith, capable of weaving magical tapestries in song like Magnetized with its rippling acoustic textures and sweet vocal counter-melodies. Veirs’ lyrics are full of allusion and inference so, although you know the songs are about something she really cares about, it’s often hard to pin down exactly what that is. She’s musically bold too, as evidenced by the quirky fiddle signature that opens the stumbling Parisian Dream. It sounds odd at first but soon seems to fit like a glove, and leads to a beautifully realised solo, one of the best moments on a disc that’s generously supplied with them.
Johnny Black (Review first appeared in Hi Fi News)