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Fact #132198


Short story:

The book Photograph by Ringo Starr of The Beatles is published by Genesis Publications in the UK.

Full article:

Ringo Starr : These are shots that no one else could have taken. Together they chart the story of four lads from Liverpool trying to live normal lives amidst the frenzy that surrounded them. I have always loved taking photos. All the Beatles had cameras – I think we bought a whole load on our first tour of Japan – but I’d been snapping away for a while before that. We always had a real photographer around us, like Dezo Hoffman and Bob Freeman who took a lot of photos of The Beatles for our album covers. But I took pictures of them photographing us – and I had a unique perspective of that incredible period of our lives. I hope you’ll enjoy a few unique Beatles memories with me.
(Source : press release, September 2015)