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Fact #131146


Short story:

UK tv show Ready, Steady, Go! features Dusty Springfield, The Animals, Charlie and Inez Foxx, The Fortunes and Georgie Fame.

Full article:

John Steel [The Animals] : By this time, I'd really started to wonder why I was doing all this. We were still on that treadmill, even on days off we'd be doing photo sessions and interviews, it seemed to be never-ending and yet we were still getting a £50 a week allowance, same as we'd had in 1964. The only way we ever got more money was when we went on tour in the States and we got an extra allowance.

Mike (manager Mike Jeffery) had all this bullshit stuff about putting money in the Bahamas, in tax havens, and we fell for it. We never had the time to think about it. I remember coming out of the Ready, Steady, Go! studio in Kingsway and there was Mickie about to pull away in his big white Rolls-Royce with the tinted windows, and he slid the window down and asked if I wanted a lift. I just looked at him and thought, what's he doing in that? It's us that made the money for him. I just turned away and I thought, there's something not right here.
(Source : not known)