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Fact #127630


Short story:

The Big Day Out free festival in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, features Wet Wet Wet, Deacon Blue, Hothouse Flowers, Sheena Easton, Texas, Hue and Cry, John Martyn, Eddi Reader, The Average White Band and others. The event is broadcast live for six hours by Channel 4.

Full article:

Allan Snedden (audience) : An estimated quarter of a million people watched more than fifty artists across all genres perform at three open air sites in the city throughout the day…..and it was free! Deacon Blue were the headline act at Glasgow Green at night and I just remember the awesome atmosphere and vibe the whole day created in the city. Missed the last train home….and cared not one jot!
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Live UK, Aug 2012)