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Fact #126330


Short story:

The Who record an appearance on UK tv show Three Go Round at Southern Television Studios, Southampton, then travel west for a gig at the Corn Exchange, Bristol. It is said that, on the train journey to Southampton, Pete Townshend starts writing the song My Generation.

Full article:

Pete Townshend : My Generation came straight out of the conscious that I felt I'd landed with. It was the beginning of me taking on some of Roger's attributes and trying to empower myself with some of his attributes. He had more traditional and acceptable good looks, was very tough, and didn't take shit from anybody. So I took that and kind of combined it with my kind of social sensibility. I think that's what was so successful and why it was an extraordinary moment.

There was a whole group of people who realized, "We don't have to be weak because we don't have wars to fight. We don't have to be powerless. We don't have to be shit because they say we're shit. We can be shit because we say we're shit." I don't think it's a healthy song and I don't think it comes from a healthy period, but I think it's led to a healthy place. My Generation was one of the songs that helped draw a line right across life and say, "Everything up to this point does not relate to this group of people who are growing older." I think there's a tremendous desire in young Western kids to draw that line again and they're trying, but are finding much harder than we found it.
(Source : not known)