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Fact #125026


Short story:

The Cromwellian Club in Knightsbridge, London, England, UK, has The Pretty Things, The Yardbirds and The Tremeloes in the house.

Full article:

Colin Blunstone (vocalist, The Zombies) : The Cromwellian was the club I went to most often. It was the best, great fun. I used to dance there, I really used to like to have a dance but of course by the time the dancing had started everyone was pretty merry by then, but the other thing I remember was that they had a casino upstairs and I often used to wander up there and have amazingly good luck, I'd put half a a crown on a number, and I'd put it on red and I would often win then I would walk and have a bet - gambling is not in my nature, but it would really aggravate them, there were people going down there with hundreds of pounds and I would win with half a crown!
(Source : not known)