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Fact #123378


Short story:

Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys is recording instrumental tracks for the song California Girls at Western Studios in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Full article:

Brian Wilson (leader, Beach Boys) : I thought Bach was incredibly original. I used Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring to get, not the melody, but the background rhythm for California Girls in 1965. And then Al Jardine used the melody when he wrote Lady Lynda. (interview with Johnny Black for Mojo Collections)

Brian Wilson (leader, Beach Boys) : Everybody was up. The whole gang was there. It became my favourite session. The intro to this song is the greatest piece of music that I've ever written. I was looking for an introduction which would be totally different to the rest of the song, but would lead into it. The song was a big record for us but I never really liked anything but the intro.

I wanted to write about girls. At first I was going to call the song, Yeah, I Dig The Girls, like it says in the fadeout.
(Source : not known)