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Fact #122931


Short story:

Sinead O'Connor releases a new single, Nothing Compares 2 U (written by Prince), on Ensign Records in the UK.

Full article:

Chris Hills (co-director, Ensign Records) : Fachtna O’Kelly, Sinead’s manager, brought in a cassette and, when I heard it, I actually started crying. I just sat there with tears rolling down my cheeks.

We went to an A + R Forum on Martha’s Vineyard. There were mainly Americans and we were all due to present stuff we were working on at the time. I said, ‘We’re going to kill these fuckers, because I’d never been so sure of a record in my life. So, after three or four days of eating, drinking getting pissed and listening to all the things that the others had brought in, someone said, ‘OK, now let’s hear the stuff you’re putting out.’ Then we put the Sinead record on – and they went, ‘Oh, shit!’ (Source : interview with Fred Dellar, Mojo, January 2009)