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Fact #121915


Short story:

Patti Smith makes a guest appearance on the final night of Nuggets And Beyond, a residency featuring members of the Patti Smith Band at The City Winery, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Lenny Kaye (guitarist, Patti Smith Group) : We decided, me and some of the guys in the band, to do a series of show in which we would play songs from the Nuggets album. We did about fifty songs over the three nights, with guest artists including Joan Osborne and Marshall Crenshaw, and it was really interesting to pull those songs apart. We tend to think that those garage rock songs were really quite simple, just untutored kids playing around with their three chords in the garage, but some of them are more sophisticated than you might think. They have hooks, they have layers, clever ways in which the chorus emerges from the verse, wacky bridges, they're not as primitive as you might imagine. even The Seeds Pushin' Too Hard, one of my personal favourites, it's basically two chords repeated endlessly, but that piano solo, those weird harmonies, it has a lot of weird stuff going on.

It's partly because they didn't know what they were doing. When you try to copy something you've heard, as they were doing with English rock, and you can't play it exactly like the original, you end up playing it your own way, and that's how a new sound evolves.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, March 2015)