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Fact #120514


Short story:

Michael Des Barres releases a new album, The Key to the Universe, in the USA.

Full article:

Michael Des Barres : First and foremost, making this record was the most satisfying experience. It sounds fresh because it’s done out of a real authentic love for rock and roll music. With those wonderful intros that drive a little faster and lets you hold someone a little closer. I went to Rome and recorded with my old buddies, Nigel Harrison and Bob Rose. We've got Clive Deamer from Radiohead and Robert Plant's band on drums, Nigel on bass and this unbelievable guitar player, Dani Robinson who is extremely unique. It was a lovely experience and a record that really captures the enthusiasm those musicians had.

A majority of the songs were written with the band and with Bob. I did do three covers. Linda Perry gave me the song, "Can't Get you Off My Mind". She's one of the most authentic rock and rollers left in a diminishing breed. She had written that song for one of her albums and Nigel found it and said "Dude, this is right up your alley.” It had a sense urgency to it that I really loved. Peter Wolf gave me the song, "Room Full Of Angels” and the other song, “Burning in Water” was a blues song that was originally targeted for Tom Jones. The rest are compositions that are various configurations of the band. We wrote them real fast and cut them even faster. There was no agonizing over them. Everything just poured out. It was written and recorded in five weeks and is the best record I’ve ever made!
(Source : interview by James Wood at axs.com)