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Fact #120144


Short story:

On tour as a backing musician with Little Richard, Jimmy Hendrix [Jimi Hendrix] writes home from California, USA, to his father in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Full article:

Jimmy Hendrix : Dearest Dad, As you probably know, we're in California now. Drop me a line as soon as possible…

Chris Hillman (bassist, The Byrds] : Byrds' (drummer) Mike Clarke and I went to Ciro's (Hollywood nightclub) and Jimi (then working as Maurice James) was playing guitar for Little Richard. Roger McGuinn went as well. Jimi was a sideman on the end of the stage playing left-handed. There was Hendrix. You could not help but look at him and hear the sounds he was making on the guitar. And playing lead guitar in an R'n'B rock 'n' roll band you're not the showcase. It's the horn section carrying it. Very few guitar solos, mostly rhythm and stuff, but we said, 'Who is that?' Because the guy was so good. And then a year and a half later there he was at Monterey and blew everybody away.
(Source : interview with Harvey Kubernik, 2007)