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Fact #120054


Short story:

The fifth MTV Unplugged show to be transmitted features live acoustic performances by Joe Walsh and Dr John.

Full article:

Joel Gallen (producer, Unplugged) : The turning point of Unplugged was when Joe Walsh sat at a piano and sang Desperado. In order to have that air, we needed permission from (the song’s composer) Don Henley.

We called him, we wrote him letters. Finally, we got a letter back from Don Henley two pages long saying how protective of this song he is. And he didn’t want it to be done in the wrong atmosphere.

Our talent person at the time, Abby Aronowitch, called him up and said, ‘OK, then why don’t you come and do Unplugged? Show us how it’s really done.’ And so Don Henley was our first marquee star.
(Source : not known)