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Fact #118740


Short story:

Katzenjammer release their third LP, Rockland, in the USA.

Full article:

Kick off your shoes, find the nearest straw-covered barn floor and prepare to dance like a hayseed raised on corn likker and hominy grits because, despite their origins among God’s frozen people in Norway, Katzenjammer sound like sun-drenched afternoons in the wide-open spaces of America’s mid-west. Using an array of unlikely instruments, including a giant balalaika, they romp and stomp through eleven songs which are by turns saucy, sarcastic, euphoric and reckless but always foot-tappingly infectious. Somehow, though, they also sound utterly contemporary, maybe even a tad avant-garde in their own wacky way. Good-time music for anyone sick of processed pop.
(Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News, 2015)