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Fact #118254


Short story:

Cream have a recording session in Atlantic Studios, New York City, USA, where they work on Sunshine Of Your Love, Tales Of Brave Ulysses, Dance The Night Away, We're Going Wrong and other tracks.

Full article:

Eric Clapton (guitarist, Cream) : I picked up my first wah-wah pedal at Manny's guitar shop in New York, I think. They said that Jimi (Hendrix) had one and so that was enough for me. I had to have one too. I loved it, because it sounded like someone talking, and it reminded me of Sparky and those kids' records with all the effects.

Tales of Brave Ulysses was very much part of the 1967 hippie thing, because the words were written by my flatmate, Martin Sharp, who also did the cover designs for The Cream albums. It's got this guitar line that no-one had ever done before, but in fact it's exactly the same as Summer In the City. I subliminally ripped it off from that, because I adored The Lovin' Spoonful.