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Fact #115260


Short story:

Franklin Kort is born in California, USA. He will be best-remembered as the founder of Bayou Records, which released music by Dave Bartholomew, Red Callender, Big Jay McNeely, Mercy Dee and others.

Full article:

The little remembered Bayou label was founded in the spring of 1953 by record producer Franklin Kort, previously with the Recorded In Hollywood label. Noted West Coast session man Red Callender had the first two releases for the new label - "The Honey Jump" parts one and two on #001 and backed up Duke Upshaw on vocals on "Soldier's Blues" and "In The Meantime". Famous blues personality Mercy Dee recorded "Please Understand" and "Anything In This World" for Bayou #003 and sax man Joe Houston performed "Sabre Jet" and "Moody" for #004. Clarence Samuels recorded "Lowtop Inn" on #010 in mid 1953, but by the late summer of that year it was apparent that Bayou Records would not survive on its own, and so was absorbed into Lew Chudd's Imperial label.
(Source : not known)