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Fact #113783


Short story:

Pink Floyd play at The Giant Mystery Happening, Marquee Club, London, UK.

Full article:

Roger Waters (bass, Pink Floyd] : We were called Pink Floyd pretty early on, and then at some point we stopped adhering rigidly to the twelve-bar blues thing, and just started improvising round one simple root chord. I think (previous guitarist) Bob leaving had a lot to do with us stopping playing blues; he was a man with a great wealth of blues runs in his head, and when he left we hadn't anyone who had any blues knowledge, so we had to start doing something else.

Syd took over as lead guitar, and I'm sure it was the noises that Pete Townshend (of The Who) was making then - squeaks and feedback – that influenced Syd, so we started making strange noises instead of doing the blues. We did something at The Marquee one afternoon and Pete Jenner and Andrew King heard us and rang us up and said we should do it professionally, but as we were all about to go on holiday, we said, "No, ring us in the autumn." Which they did, and became our managers.
(Source : not known)