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Fact #113234


Short story:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience play at Swing Auditorium, San Bernardino, California, USA, supported by Vanilla Fudge, Soft Machine and Eire Apparent.

Full article:

Tom Hulett (tour promoter, Concerts West) : I give Hendrix credit for introducing a whole new way of doing business (via the recently set up Concerts West) where the artist made most of the money. The booking agencies didn't like it, because the time had come when Michael Jeffery and Steve Weiss no longer needed a booking agent to get to a Tom Hulett or a Phil Basile. All of a sudden the middle man was cut out and Hendrix made more money.

I would call up and clear the dates with Steve Weiss, who would clear them with Gerry Stickells who, in turn, would let Hendrix know where we were going to play. I knew what Hendrix wanted. I knew about his security requests backstage and that he loved 'festival seating' where, unlike reserved seating, kids could move around. We made tours as comfortable as we could for him.