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Fact #112417


Short story:

Rachael Dadd releases a new album, We Resonate, on Talitres Records in the UK and Europe.

Full article:

Experimental folk multi-instrumentalist Dadd is one of the quirkiest singer-songwriters on earth but she's also one of the best. I'll never forget when I first heard her, in 2008, as part of Whalebone Polly, singing the weird little ditty Our Socks Forevermore. It was obvious that a refreshing new talent had arrived, and this album is a joy from start to finish. Songs like Three and Bounce The Ball are as appealing as they are odd, and her use of exotic rhythmic devices including prepared-piano, typewriter, boxes of matches and even her baby's heartbeat in the womb, makes it a richly eclectic sonic treat. Dadd will probably never become a star, but I bet she'll still be making captivating music twenty years hence.
(Johnny Black, Hi Fi News, 2014)