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Fact #112416


Short story:

Field Report release their second album, Marigolden, on Partisan Records in the USA.

Full article:

This is the kind of album that doesn't get made any more - the acoustic singer-songwriter classic. Chris Porterfield, the main man of Field Report, is a smart, sensitive, folksy composer blessed by a seemingly natural aptitude for combining complex lyrical ideas with melodies that become increasingly memorable after a couple of plays. Much of the album deals with his struggle to overcome creeping alcoholism and, although I'm not sympathetic to drunks whining on about their (usually) self-inflicted miseries, Porterfield wins me over by not romanticising his problems. If you love Neil Young, Bon Iver, David Gray or Bright Eyes, you'll find much here to cherish.
(Johnny Black, Hi Fi News, 2014)