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Fact #111884


Short story:

Eliza Gilkyson releases her 21st album, The Nocturne Diaries, on Red House Records in the UK.

Full article:

The Nocturne Diaries
Red House Records RHR264
An indomitable countrified folkie, Gilkyson released her first album at the tender age of 19 back in 1969 and, although she hasn't yet set the world alight, her jumbo-sized discography is ripe for re-discovery. This, her 21st album by my reckoning, might be the key that could unlock the door to her back catalogue, because she's in fine form. As its title suggests, this is a dark-hued collection of songs but, although often introspective, it's never depressing. Gilkyson's intimate, confidential voice invites and welcomes you in to her world of broken American dreams, train songs and late night musings on life and love. Happily, dawn never seems too far off.
Johnny Black, Hi-Fi News, 2014