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Fact #109307


Short story:

Alan Freed, the deejay said to have invented the term 'rock'n'roll', begins a new radio show on WJW in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Full article:

Jim Dickinson (record producer) : Kids today don't understand what it was like back then. The first time you heard a rock'n'roll record, it was like a miracle. You couldn't believe such a wonderful thing could happen. Then, a month later, you heard a second rock'n'roll record and you had to pinch yourself to be sure you weren't dreaming. You know, you had no idea there would be another one.

Garth Hudson (organist, The Band) : Our basement had a darkroom, where my dad did his photography. I would go down there, and eventually I put a radio in with a copper wire. I drilled a hole through the floor of my bedroom and out into the back porch - and that was the aerial. I was picking up Alan Freed, when I was about 14 or 15. Suddenly, I realized that somebody over there who was having lot more fun than I was! Richard Manuel and myself got all of our R&B education from across the water. I would go down and listen to (Freed's show) Moondog Matinee. That