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Fact #108024


Short story:

Jones (aka Trevor Jones, and also Miracle Mile) releases a new album, To The Bone,on MeMe Records in the UK.

Full article:

Many of you, although not yet enough, already know Trevor Jones in his incarnation as Miracle Mile, easily Britain's most singer-songwriterly duo. Occasionally he releases a 'solo' album, but how these differ from Miracle Mile albums is hard to define. Analytically, it's probably that a Jones album is more minimal, less complex, than a Miracle Mile album, and that the balance between the contributions of Jones and his multi-instrumentalist partner Marcus Cliffe is skewed more towards Jones. This is another corker with gorgeous ambient touches - the distant police sirens in Books To Bed, the steel guitar that morphs into an angel choir on the short, sweet, Man Behind The Moon. Possibly his best yet, til the next one.
(Source : Johnny Black review, HiFi News Jul 2014)