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Fact #107335


Short story:

The Rolling Stones, supported by The Shangri-Las, play at Milwaukee Auditorium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Guitarist Brian Jones misses this show and several more because of illness.

Full article:

Keith Richards (guitarist, Rolling Stones) : Brian was a weird kind of guy. He was a manipulator of the first order. He had to create a schism. He needed some sort of conspiracy - he and Mick against me - which is fine; when you have plenty of time, you can deal with it.

But on the road, when everybody's working, tryin' to make the next gig, like three hundred and forty-odd gigs a year for four or five years, you don't have the patience to take it. Also, I realized that I was becoming very much like Brian - Mick and I were being merciless on him.

The harder the work got, the more awkward Brian got, and the more fucked-up he would get himself when he didn't get his way, until we would be workin' three-weeks in the Midwest with one guitar player; namely, me. That was when I learned what The Rolling Stones were all about. You can't cover what you want from the Stones with one guitar.
(Source : not known)