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Fact #106965


Short story:

The first Isle Of Wight pop festival, billed as The Great South Coast Bankholiday Pop Festivity, starring Jefferson Airplane, takes place at Ford Farm, near Godshill, Isle Of Wight, UK. Also on the bill are The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, The Move, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Fairport Convention, Pretty Things, Plastic Penny, Orange Bicycle, The Mirage, Blonde On Blonde and Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation. The event is deejayed by John Peel.

Full article:

The two legendary Isle Of Wight Festivals that everybody remembers are the ones in 1969 and 1970, headlined respectively by Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix.

There was, however, another, earlier, Isle Of Wight festival on 31 August 1968. It went by the name of The Great South Coast Bank Holiday Pop Festival and it was, in the fullness of time, over-shadowed by the later events but it was also undeniably the first true Isle Of Wight Festival.

Ron Smith, one of the organisers, remembers that, however unlikely it may seem, "The Isle Of Wight pop festivals came about as a result of the Isle Of Wight Swimming Pool Association wanting to raise funds."

As a member of the Pool Association, Smith brought in local entrepreneurs The Foulk Brothers, who suggested that a pop festival might do the trick, so the committee allocated