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Fact #105900


Short story:

UK psychedelic band Kaleidoscope come to the end of a month of recording their album Tangerine Dream for Fontana Records.

Full article:

Peter Daltrey (Kaleidoscope) : The summer of `67 was special. It felt different - it was different. It sounds like a cliche: but there was something in the air. Of course, it was all Beatles-led. Everything they did was important to young people. We copied their hair, their clothes, their lifestyle, their music. They were the four young kings of the world, nothing less. At the time our music was soaking up these influences - you couldn`t stop it even if you`d wanted to. As soon as Fontana heard our new songs after agreeing to release `Holiday Maker` as the A-side (changed to `Ashiya` as soon as they heard that) they contracted us for an album. A bold move back then for a company with a new band.