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Fact #105466


Short story:

Janis Joplin and The Kozmic Blues Band play at The University of Toledo Fieldhouse, Toledo, Ohio, USA.

Full article:

Randy Foley (audience) : Some buds and I met Janis Joplin backstage after her show on March 9th 1969. My friends asked her for her autograph, but I did not. When she asked, "Honey, don't you want my autograph?" I said something like that I was sure she was tired of signing her name, and her music had signed my heart for life. Something cheesy that a star-struck sixteen-year-old kid might say. Then a sweaty Janis hugged me and insisted she sign something for me, picked up the tambourine she used onstage, asked, "What's your name, Honey?" Then she signed it, "To Randy, with love, Janis Joplin" and handed it to me. Sadly, it was stolen seven years later, along with a big portion of my record collection, and a lot of "recreational materials."
(Source : used with permission of Randy Foley. See more at http://www.classic-rock-concerts.com/performances/47125)