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Fact #103693


Short story:

The Royal Premiere of The Beatles' movie A Hard Day's Night, comes in the wake of news that the soundtrack album has sold 1.5m copies in nine days, making it the fastest-selling album in UK history.

Full article:

Rosemary Tyser : I was asked to be an usherette at the Royal Premiere of The Beatles' film A Hard Day's Night and we were all given dresses to wear with the band's faces on them. We met all four Beatles and, as we were waiting for Princess Margaret to arrive, we decided they should sign the dresses. I was determined to get all their signatures.

Cynthia Lennon wrote on the back of my dress, and one shoulder had Brian Epstein's autograph, while each Beatle signed a guitar beside their faces. I can still see myself standing there with all of them writing. John was second down from the top and I remember him saying it was a difficult place to sign. It was Ringo's birthday so we were all taken to the Dorchester for a drink. It was a wonderful evening. I sold the dress a few years ago at a Beatles memorabilia auction for