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Fact #102402


Short story:

Duran Duran release a new album, Rio, worldwide.

Full article:

John Taylor (bassist, Duran Duran) : We found our identity in such a short space of time. Rio is probably the first real Duran Duran album, because it's honestly us, and it's us playing off each other.

We'd gone through a lot of personality conflicts when we were doing Rio because we were all growing up so much, so it was quite difficult 'cause we were niggling with each other and taking sides. But then when it was made we all sat there and we thought, 'Well, we can argue all we like but musically it just hangs together perfectly.' And then we said, 'Well, what are we arguing about?'

Nick Rhodes (keyboards, Duran Duran): when we started the Rio album, we were all terrified because we knew we