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Fact #102398


Short story:

Paul McCartney releases the album Tug Of War simultaneously in the USA and UK.

Full article:

Paul McCartney : I felt a bit limited working with the group and I just didn't fancy going in and making another group album. So I decided to approach it in another way, to take each song and ask myself, "Who would the best drummer be to work with for that kind of song?" I cast them all. It was something I've never done. So instead of getting the group and just working with a one bunch for a whole album, which I'd done plenty of times, I just fancied trying it this way. So I grabbed Steve Gadd for a couple of sessions and Ringo for a couple of others and just grabbed people according to their styles. The album is like a star-studded cast of thousands, which, to me, is a little bit of a drawback, if anything. Normally I don't like albums with huge casts on them...like super groups.

(Source : interview with Ray Bonici, Music Express, April 82)