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Fact #101850


Short story:

Ian Gillan and Roger Glover, formerly of ailing pop/rock band Episode Six, join Deep Purple who are re-constructing the band's line-up in an effort to achieve a heavier sound.

Full article:

John Coletta (manager) : They were with Episode Six which was at the point of breaking up. We had a long negotiation with their lawyers and Gloria Bristow, who was looking after the group, and we paid seemingly enormous sums to get them out. Then we went ahead and made Deep Purple In Rock.

(Source : Sounds May 21, 1977)

Ritchie Blackmore : There was a chemistry and, basically, we were all very enthusiastic. Plus, the band was very musically-inclined, I thought. Roger is an excellent catalyst who is very good at puttig things together.; Ian was a very good showman and a good-lookig guy who had an incredible voice. Jon was a very good arranger and a very good musician in the old-school form, who could put it down on paper. I was the mad, irritable guitarist, I suppose, who certain people could relate to, and I thought I also played quite well.

(Source : The Guitar Greats by John Tobler, 1983)