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Fact #101849


Short story:

Episode Six play at The Ivy Lodge Club, Woodford Green, North London, England, UK. They are seen by Ritchie Blackmore and Jon Lord of Deep Purple, who ask vocalist Ian Gillan and bassist Roger Glover to join their re-formed band.

Full article:

Ritchie Blackmore : I could tell that the fashion was going to be for screamers with depth and an overall blues feel, which is why we got Ian. He had a scream, but also had a different way of singing which was very different. He's got a lot of identity there, and you always know when it's Ian singing.

(Source : The Guitar Greats by John Tobler, 1983)

Roger Glover (bass, Episode Six) : I think we had thirteen or fourteen singles out, none of which made it. Pye was the first company, then MGM and Chapter One. Then I got the Deep Purple offer, a lot of starving and a lot of getting into debt.

(Source : Sounds, May 21, 1977)