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Fact #101171


Short story:

An un-named caller to underground radio station WKNR in Detroit, Michigan, USA, urges deejay Russ Gibb to listen to Revolution 9 by The Beatles backwards. When Russ plays it on the air, listeners claim to hear the words 'Turn me on, dead man'. This becomes an early 'clue' in the Paul Is Dead myth.

Full article:

Paul McCartney : Someone from the office rang me up and said, 'Look, Paul, you're dead.' And I said, 'Oh, I don't agree with that.' And they said, 'Look, what are you going to do about it? It's a big thing breaking in America. You're dead.' And so I said, 'Leave it. Just let them say it it. It'll probably be the best publicity we've ever had and I won't have to do a thing except stay alive.'

George Martin : I started to get letters and cards from people outlining how obvious it was that Paul was actually dead. They said that they understood all our clues on the covers over the past few years and, you know, I started believing it myself.

Peter Blake (Sgt. Pepper cover artist) : We went to visit Paul at his house. We talked about the rumours and he said, "You know I'm not Paul McCartney. You met Paul when you were working on Sgt. Pepper and he didn't have a scar on his mouth. Look, I've got a scar. I'm a stand in." And, just for a moment, I wasn't sure. Then he told me the story that he'd fallen of his bicycle