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Fact #100729


Short story:

Zager And Evans release the single In The Year 2525, in the USA. It will become one of the biggest-selling one hit wonders of all time, shifting one million copies within two months of being released by RCA.

Full article:

Rick Evans : The song is four years old and it took only about thirty minutes to write. At the time it was done I was writing about twice a week and using any subject that came into my head. I don't really fall into one bag since the songs seem to vary so much. 2525 was one of those songs that just flows out.

Denny Zager : In the early days, Rick and I used to harmony groups, mostly The Beatles, and try to learn the knack of singing in harmony.

In my old group I used to work out harmonies for other members, but we were only doing songs by other writers, so it began to get boring.

Rick Evans : When we got fed up with the groups we were in, someone heard us do our own stuff and suggested we go into it commercially.

Denny Zager : Rick suggested we have some voice training and, after the first couple of lessons, I began to really get interested in singing. When Rick and I started really getting down to developing our voices, the experience in harmony work helped us to work in new ideas and create a style of our own.

Rick Evans : Out of the three or four years we've actually been together we have had no recording success at all.

Denny Zager : We were looking for uptempo material because most of the stuff we did was ballads. In The Year 2525 was pulled out of the hat and we said, 'Let's put it on stage.'

I didn't go nutty over the song because it really wasn't the style I wanted to do.

The reason we recorded it was because we got so many requests for it.

Denny Zager : We tried everything to come up with that second hit, but it never happened. A lot of groups climb their way up very slowly. They get a mediocre hit, then a little bigger hit, and then they get a super-big hit and just stay in the limelight. We were misfortunate enough to have a monster right off the top. What do you do?

(Source : unknown)