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Fact #100408


Short story:

Status Quo, on their Frantic Four tour, play at The Apollo, Manchester, UK.

Full article:

Simon Porter (manager, Status Quo) : The re-union tour in early 2013 was branded as The Frantic Four to avoid confusion with the standard Quo band (which toured later that same year). It is, very much, two different products, with Francis and Rick being the common denominator to both. The two bands are almost polar opposites.

The Frantic Four band is based on the Live! album from 1977. For diehard Quo fans that has always been the holy grail of live albums, so that made it the obvious one to base the set around. The fact that, without playing many of their hits, they could go out and do a successful tour with a great atmosphere, says a lot about their enduring popularity.

(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Live UK, November 2013)

Francis Rossi (guitar/vocals, Status Quo) : To me, the tour was a fucking mess. Spud was unfit and kept slowing down, and Alan has his own problems. So it was extremely hard work for me and Rick.

Sometimes it was so sloppy that I can